ielp offers test takers a secure, fast, flexible and fair examination of their English language skills. They can take the test and within five days can demonstrate their language skills when applying to study or work abroad.
ielp comprises experts from language testing, psychometrics, teaching, and business who we meet on a regular basis and who provide feedback, advic,e and a critical eye on what we do now, and how we should continue to lead language assessment in the future.
Rose Clesham, Pearson Director Academic Standards, and Measurement said:
“We have taken great care to include a variety of language, assessment and technology experts in our TAG group. They are world leaders in their respective fields. They offer qualitative and quantitative expertise, research, operational and strategic experience and take both a stakeholder and a global perspective on the robust and valid use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in language testing.”
Globally, those who accept IELP test results can do so confidently, knowing that there is an independent panel of experts behind the scenes ensuring the test meets the highest standards.
The purpose of Pearson’s Efficacy Reporting is to be as open and transparent as possible about how it designs, develops, and evaluates the impact of its products on learners.
ielp, the world’s leading learning company, has been designated by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to launch its newest language test for proof of English language proficiency.
Southern Utah University (SUU) has officially approved the ielp (International English Language Proficiency) test as a recognized measure of English language proficiency for admissions. This approval opens new doors for international students seeking to study at SUU.